From the beginning !
My onset of art was with sketches and pencil drawing. I was always interested in it, but when I realized it was good for my psychology, I embraced it with all my heart. I took charcoal lessons; light and shadow always fascinated me, but something was still wrong: perfection. That was my character, but if I did that in art, the art would tucker me out. That's why I became interested in watercolor. And the movement of pigment into the water fascinated me.
As time went by, I realized there was something still wrong. The drawing phase of the paintings and the paintings themselves were taking ages. The realistic paintings were not giving me emotions; they were draining my energy and made me feel far from what I wanted to do.
At this point, I discovered that I should paint in in short time with a very bold statement to express myself better, Instead of painting boring paintings for hours, I aimed to show story-like paintings.
Now, I am somewhere I wanted to be. Painting outside captures the essence of a place by making bold statements and exaggerating the scene. I enjoy manipulating the view to emphasize my focus and create a more artistic and expressive image.
Albin Art, Oslo, Norway (SOLO) / 06-11.01.2024
The Gallery of the Culture Center, Majdanpek, Serbia / 23.01.2024-13.02.2024
Yildiz Kenter Culture Center, Izmir, Turkey / 01-06.02.2024
Galleri 1845, Fredrikstad, Norway (SOLO) / 03-25.02.2024
The Palacio de la Merced, Cordoba, Spain / 11-24-03.2024
Zabytkowa Kopalnia Ignacy, Rybnik, Poland / 19.04.2024-29.04.2024
Fabriano, Bologna, Italy / 26-29.04.2024
Marki Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey / 15-21-05-2024
Akvarell Atelier, Oslo, Norway – 24.05-08.06.2024
Fabriano, Texas, USA / 14-16.10.2024
Luna Grande Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey / 12-18.10.2024
Palazzo dei Trecento, Treviso, Italy / 12-18.10.2024
Delphi Metropolitian Education GGS Ind, University New Delphi, India / 06-09.12.2024
Albin Art, Oslo, Norway (SOLO) / 06-12.12.2024